Sunday, May 24, 2009


Episode 1: A New Sun Rises

On a mountainstop, Noboru sets his eyes on the vast lands he used to roam freely. What used to be a beautiful and majestic GetAmped world is now half-destroyed by the members of the Destroso Clan. The cries of women and children can be heard from afar.

Noboru is aching to run down from the mountain and save as many people as he can. But he knew he will be outnumbered. The Destroso Clan members are patrolling every road and there is no way he can sneak without being detected.

Noboru's hope lies in the words he left his people before he escaped, "I will be at the mountain. Join me and we will fight back." He stares from the GetAmped world to the sky as he prepares for the long wait.

And with one big sighm he prays to the stars for the safety of a dear friend, who is now in the hands of the enemy.

Join me and we will fight back...

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